Jacob Toman Jacob Toman

Q & A: Freemason and a Christian?

If we had to answer this as a poll question with the options being "Yes", "No" or "Nuanced" then the answer I would give is "Yes'> 

Not every one of our sins is confronted the instant the Lord regenerates us. I have often confronted believers in congregations to leave masonry due to its horrendous idolatry. No one can accuse me in good conscience of justifying masonry. It is something Christians ought to flee from.

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Jacob Toman Jacob Toman

Love you Eric

On Saturday 1/11/2025 our brother in the Lord Eric Karloski died. Eric had for many years been battling with great Christ-like humility against physical ailments. In recent years as Eric worked with us at RedeemingFamily he was one who delighted in prayer, conversation, and sharing the hope of heaven with others. Eric loved his wife, his local church, his neighbors, and his dog and cats. If Eric wasn't having a thoughtful conversation with someone, he was most likely reading, or thinking over a pipe or cigar about his next opportunity for a loving conversation. 

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Amy Toman Amy Toman

Jonathan Edwards was an American preacher known for his theological work in paedobaptism with the Puritans. The following resolutions came from the diary which he kept listing resolutions for his conduct.

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Jacob Toman Jacob Toman

Studying Pride and Humiliation

From time to time we interact with questions.
"Any recommendations on resources to study about pride? I have always glossed over the warning of pride thinking I had a handle on it ....pretty stupid I know! Recently I have been dealing with painful issues in my marriage and have been convicted of my pride, how almost everything comes back to pride. Thanks”

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Jacob Toman Jacob Toman

2024 Recap- Top Posts, Stats, Books and More!

It is a tremendous blessing to be a part of this collective effort of reading, praying, and writing to equip individuals and families. What started as one faithful woman (Amy) prayerfully seeking to encourage other women, has grown into this collaborative team that delivers faithful biblically informed encouragement via books, blogs, and in-person events. 2024 has been a year filled with good work and Christ-like growth and we pray that 2025 will be a year where the Lord will continue to renew our minds for God’s glory. 

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Jacob Toman Jacob Toman

Promises Made Concerning the Messiah

What are these promises that are made concerning the Messiah? They relate to the relationship between the one who sends the Messiah, and the sent Messiah (verse 1a-c), the accomplishment of the Messianic purpose (verse 1d), and the manner of the Messiah in accomplishing his purpose (42:2-3).

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Amy Toman Amy Toman

5 Ways Family Worship Has Benefited A Teenager

Guest Author By Ali Timmer Ali Timmer is a homeschooler, Christian, and teenage writer.

There is a belief going around that says that family worship is silly, old-fashioned, and above all, unneeded and useless.  But that’s a lie. We cannot give in to the belief that family worship is useless. On the contrary, Family Worship is probably one of the most important things you can do for your child. Family worship is beneficial to kids and adults alike. How? You might ask. Well, just to prove it to you, I will give you five solid ways that family worship has impacted me, a Christian teen, and will probably impact your kids too.

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Jacob Toman Jacob Toman

How the End Times Impact Christian Behavior

I’m struck time and time again by how often eschatological realities inform the daily practical outworking of Christian living. James gives a strong prohibition – don’t grumble against one another. He then reminds his audience of their family status – brothers and sisters. Like any good leader (or parent) he provides a motivating warning after the instruction – or you will be judged.

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Matthew Sun Matthew Sun

Who does the Bible say is My Neighbor?

Generally, “neighbor” is understood in a geographical sense, referring to those who live near us. By this definition I can see focusing on our neighbors is indeed a wise strategy for serving God, as it starts right where we are, with those around us. As Christians, we are called to be kind, to build relationships, to earn the trust of our neighbors, and to share our faith and lives with them. Ultimately, we hope they come to know Jesus in a saving relationship, joining us in worshiping and serving God and living for His glory. More than simply becoming part of our church community, the true goal of focusing on our neighbors is for them to know Christ as their Savior. This focus on our neighbors holds several important advantages for our church’s mission, yet it also presents unique challenges.

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Amy Toman Amy Toman

2 Ways to Study Theology- Biblical and Systematic

Biblical theology is like looking at the whole wedding cake. You are looking at the overall image of the cake or the overall story of scripture. Systematic theology is looking at the individual pieces of scripture, just as there are many ingredients used to make a beautiful-tasting cake.

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Stephen Fields Stephen Fields

Three Fold Office - Jesus the Anointed One (Part 1 of 3)

Prophet, Priest, and King!  Take a minute and think about the first thing that comes to your mind when you see those three words.  Begin with the prophet, maybe the words, old, wise, or someone who speaks with and on behalf of God.  However, what do the sacred writings say about prophets?  Words like warning, exhortation, conviction, prayers, sorrow, anger, ridicule, martyred/killed, prosecutors, and witnesses are among some of the descriptions the Bible uses to describe these men and women. (1)  In this article, we will explore and hope to gain insight into these men and women to see their amazing and impactful role in the lives of God’s people.  The Westminster Confession of Faith assembly met in 1643-1649 and in the shorter catechism asked and answered four questions on the three offices of mediator.

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Jacob Toman Jacob Toman

Q & A: What Submission-Requiring Authority Do Deacons Have?

In spiritual matters, as opposed to issues connected to serving tables, what submission-requiring authority do deacons have, if any?

Acts 6 is an archetype, prototype, precursor, or early form of Diaconal ministry, then authority comes by way of delegation from the united move of the Apostles and congregation. Strictly speaking, the Apostles lead in solving the problem, include the congregation in the process, and then as a solution delegate the matter to the deacons (the 7) chosen for the work. In this matter, the issue was handed over to those deacons. Unless a new issue outside the boundaries of what the apostles and congregation had intended arose, the deacons were to handle the serving of the tables. 

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Jacob Toman Jacob Toman

Coming of Christ- Advent Devotional

All of human history centers on two climatic moments. The first of those moments has already come, the second of those moments is yet to come. The first climax of human history was in the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus. The second will be the return of this same Jesus to Judge the living and the dead.

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False Teaching Jacob Toman False Teaching Jacob Toman

The Dangers of the CREC Church

Often the CREC wins adherents and attendees by being loud on social issues and horrendously ambiguous on basic gospel tenants. People see the CREC as happy to host families and encourage certain traditional conservative political agendas, and then....well that thin shell is used to cover the gaping holes of heretical doctrines. 

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Amy Toman Amy Toman

Halloween Celebrations- What Christians are Teaching their Children

Every year, the question of whether or not to celebrate Halloween shows up on social media and in conversations among Christians. This topic appears as Christian parents struggle with determining whether they should or shouldn't celebrate Halloween. There is no straight answer according to some, while others believe there is an easy answer. No matter where you fall on this subject, I wanted to address what our choices about Halloween are teaching our children.

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Jacob Toman Jacob Toman

How does 2 John Practically Apply to Christians Today?

2 John is often in direct contradiction to the theology of "invite everyone to church!" and "how will people hear about Jesus unless they hear my preacher on Sunday?" - well....while the gospel does go forth through Lord's Day sermons, far more often it is beyond the gathering of believers that the gospel goes forward to unbelievers. The gathering of God's people is not a "public" free-for-all all event despite what seeker-sensitive churches and what public government policies say. Church gatherings are for the building up of the saints in the ministry of Christ. It is not an open debate hall, or a town hall meeting of listening circles where "everyone can be heard, and everyone can feel accepted". The gathering of the saints is a very special time of meeting wherein God gathers his people and meets in Spiritual communion together.

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