Book Review - The Rain that Never Stops - M.R. Scott
In The Rain That Never Stops: And the Problem of Depression author M.R. Scott takes the reader through a personal account of grieving to discuss the nature, and purposes, of depression and suffering in life. Through a theological exploration of his own suffering due to the loss of a dear friend and mentor, Scott gives a biblical foundation for understanding suffering. Readers will be invited to consider their own moments of loss, and challenged to compare their beliefs with the Bible’s teachings regarding suffering. In this way, The Rain That Never Stops is a biography of despair and delight.
The repeated themes Scott weaves throughout the book brings together lessons and narratives that are relatable and needed for anyone struggling with despair, depression, and doubt. Far from being a “christians only” book, The Rain That Never Stops is anything but that. The person who is not a Christian will be invited to sincerely consider their own darkness and possible promises of escape. Unmistakable wounds of mourning are traced through the describing of pains, and struggles that are the hallmarks of depression. Writing as a person who has experienced the rain that never stops, Scott engages sincerely with the emotional and psychological scars, questions, confusion, and doubt that accompanies depression.
Plenty of books engage with the individual suffering depression in their low moments, but not many works can truly offer hope beyond the darkness. The Rain That Never Stops consistently presents answers to questions that are otherwise unanswerable by secular counselors or self-help books. Rather than conventional western answers to the problems of personal pain and suffering (such as “pull yourself up” or “get through it” or “ignore the pain” or “be spiritual enough and the pain will go away”), Scott brings the sincere questions of his own anguish to the Bible to seek answers. The book features discussions on questions such as:
How should a person deal with their guilt in the midst of darkness? (Chapter 3)
To what extent do traumatic experiences reshape our life? (Chapter 4)
What should a person do in the midst of suffering? (chapter 5)
What is my purpose? (Chapter 6)
Why is this happening to me? (Chapter 7)
What about Suicide? (Chapter 8)
How does God work in the midst of depression? (Chapter 9)
In each of these chapters, through personal experiences, relatable illustrations, and reliance on Biblical truths, questions that inevitably accompany the darkness of depression are discussed. Far from an academic work, this is a useful work with an engaging mix of stories and principles. I’ve found while reading this book moments of grief in my own past that have not been thoroughly dealt with, exposed and fresh opportunities for healing given. There were times reading this book I had to think through, process, and experience what Scott communicates so vividly on each page.
I had a chance to ask a few questions of the author, one of them was simply what the author would like someone to do after they finish reading The Rain That Never Stops. Scott gave a very practical and helpful call to action in his response to my question:
“I would want someone who struggles with depression, after having read my book, to start opening up to people they trust, such as their pastor or elders, friends and family, and share what they struggle with so that they are not alone. And continue to walk in Christ. Read His Word. Without the Scriptures of Romans 8:28 and 1 Peter 5:6-7, I may not have made it through some harrowing circumstances. Those Scriptures kept me grounded when I felt like vanishing. And I would want this individual to also realize that there is great power in their testimony–that God can and will use them for His glory–if they trust Him enough to take that first step. And thank God for the life and strength you have because not everyone had it, and many have been lost to this malady. I personally like to believe that I’m living for those who did not have the strength to go on–to continue life in their honor.”
The best compliment and recommendation I can give regarding The Rain That Never Stops is that it will be a common recommendation from me in the future for anyone experiencing the darkness of grief, depression, or preparing to experience anguish. After reading The Rain That Never Stops a few individuals and families came to mind who would have greatly benefited from this book’s wisdom prior to a family member dying of cancer, or a loved one leaving for war. Immensely practical and thorough, this book will be a staple in counseling, preaching, and teaching on human suffering.
For a long time David Murray’s Christian’s Get Depressed Too has been my go to “short” book for those struggling with depression. Thanks to the diligent and painstaking work of M.R. Scott, I believe The Rain That Never Stops is now the “longer” book for anyone who is grieving, struggling, or in a moment filled with questions and seemingly no answers. There is hope, peace, purpose and life within and beyond the rain that seemingly never stops.
M.R. Scott is currently working on a commentary on the Biblical book of Ruth, and a book dispelling common myths within Christianity. I look forward to reading and receiving whatever wisdom he writes with in the future.