Jacob Toman Jacob Toman

Q& A: Revelation Not Addressed in Paul’s Letters

Another question for my postmil brothers: if Revelation was written pre-70, the letter to Ephesus would be to Timothy and his church presumably.  Why are none of those issues addressed by Paul in his letters to the same?

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Jacob Toman Jacob Toman

Q & A: Postmil vs. A mill

Question: God has, for the last two thousand years, saved about 3-5% (my guess) of the total population. For Postmill to be true, God will have to suddenly start, for the first time in Christian history, saving a much higher percentage of the overall population alive on Earth at the same time. This would be a completely new thing compared to the last 2000 years, and I see ZERO Biblical data saying that this will happen. Am I wrong? Do, Postmills have such verses they believe teach this new thing?

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Amy Toman Amy Toman

Hospitality in a time of Food Allergies and Disorders

As the holiday season approaches, many of us will share food with friends and family.  We will have family over for holiday meals.  We will share snacks at church events, parties, and homeschool groups. Everywhere we look we will encounter food. For many of us, food is the most delightful and joyous part of gatherings. Practicing hospitality through meals and celebratory food is something observable in the scriptures. It's not an exaggeration to say that food is an essential part of human life. We are so thankful to be a part of a church that shows hospitality with consideration for those who have food allergies and disorders. But I know that many churches do not show the same consideration. 

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Amy Toman Amy Toman

How to Have a Thanksgiving Focused on God

When we think of Thanksgiving in particular, many think of the Mayflower, Pilgrims, football, turkey, and lots of food. There aren’t many of us who are thinking about God and His word on those days. There is nothing wrong with celebrating man-made holidays, but as Christians, we should be celebrating in order to give Glory to God. There are many ways in which we can give glory to God in our celebration of Thanksgiving. If you’re looking for some ways to tweak your Thanksgiving celebrations to focus more on our Lord and less on the things of this world, then you’ve come to the right place. 

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Stephen Fields Stephen Fields

Women at the Well By Caleb Miller

Stories are built to be retold and experienced, not picked apart. Stories are kind of like jokes; they lose some of their power when they have to be explained. The story of the woman at the well is one of the most powerful stories I know, and the most powerful parts of it require very little explanation: this woman encounters her Savior. 

I want to focus on what we have in common with this woman, and how Jesus treats her and talks to her.

Jesus’ interaction with this woman is a window into how he might interact with you or me if we met him along the side of the road in our hour of need. We are sinful and yet can be accepted. We are broken and yet there is an invitation for us part of a new family, to be children of God.

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Stephen Fields Stephen Fields

The Doctrine of the Trinity Applied to Family Life By Stephen Fields 

A wise Presbyterian elder wrote a very good book entitled “How Should We Then Live” and asked the crucial question, of how to live the doctrines of God that saturate the pages of scripture. The foundational truth is that any good systematic theology begins with the doctrine of the Triune God.

Based on who this God is, coming to grips with the overwhelming magnificence of YHWH, the question then returns: how should we then live? 

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Amy Toman Amy Toman

A Halloween Alternative- Movie Night

Are you looking for an alternative to trick-o- treating celebration? One of our favorite things is to spend extra family time together, with a movie night! Come check out how we make our movie night extra special and a celebration our kids look forward to every year.

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Jacob Toman Jacob Toman

The Preacher’s Task - What Should a Sermon Introduction Do? 

Four paraphrases float around my head regarding the task of the preacher in the sermon introduction. These four phrases will guide our conversation today about the sermon introduction:"Put a man in a hole"."The sermon introduction will set the stage for God's solution to the audience's problems" "You have about a minute to convince me to listen to your sermon or not"  "The best sermon applications begin during the sermon introduction" 

Each of these paraphrases summarizes different components or goals preachers aim for in their sermon introductions. 

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Pastor Jacob Toman Pastor Jacob Toman

How are Preaching Texts Selected?

I hope in giving a bit of a “behind the scenes” tour of how preaching texts are selected, you are better equipped to pray for those who have been called by God to deliver His Word to you in the task of preaching. I also hope that you develop a greater sense of wonder and awe of God who saves through His Word preached (Romans 1:16, Romans 10:14-15, 1 Corinthians 1:21, 1 Corinthians 2:1-5, Acts 2:40-41, 1 Timothy 4:11-16, Jude 22-23). 

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Stephen Fields Stephen Fields

Listen with Grace By Caleb Miller

I assured my friend that there was nothing for him or the preacher to apologize for. As far as I could tell, the preacher had not uttered a single heretical word. He had not tried to place in the sermon things that did not belong there. Though repetitious and hard to follow, he spent most of his time repeating after Jesus. If that can even be called a mistake, there are certainly far worse.

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Bible Training Jacob Toman Bible Training Jacob Toman

Preaching Month- The Reformation

It’s October, and around here that means we spend a good amount of time thinking, reflecting, and learning about the Reformation. In some regards the Reformation is no different from any other period in history. We don’t magnify or worship the Reformation, or seek to venerate the influential leaders of that time. We do, however, appreciate and recognize the uniqueness of the Reformation in the ideas, ideals, and ideologies that emerged from the period. Most notably, we are thankful for how God used the Reformation as a means to turn many back to the truth of God revealed in the scriptures.

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Amy Toman Amy Toman

Grandpa's Mustard Tree- A Poem Based on Luke 13:18-19

Welcome to our Guest Post Series! This week we have a guest poem by Ali that is based off of Luke 13:18-19

We often publish posts and works by other writers. If you’re interested in having your ideas posted, please send us an email at redeemingfamily@gmail.com

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Bible Training Jacob Toman Bible Training Jacob Toman

The Gross Errors of Federal Vision Theology

This week we have introduced why Federal Vision is a big deal, reviewed some of the history, and proponents of Federal Vision theology, and provided a list of resources from various Reformed denominations reviewing, rejecting, and responding to Federal Vision. In this section, I’ll briefly provide a synopsis of the gross errors of Federal Vision theology.

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